Monday, March 21, 2011

Caleb Lost His First Tooth

Well Caleb lost his first tooth and then he really lost it! It was loose this morning and then this afternoon while on a walk it came out...on to the road some where. So we will be writing the Tooth Fairy a note explaining this and instead of his tooth going into the pocket of his new tooth pillow, the note will.  I assured him that the Tooth Fairy would understand and would still give him a surprise.  When he told Grammy about it on the phone he said that his tooth fell out because I (Mom) forgot to let him brush his teeth this morning!  

What a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Your son's hilarious! He even managed to blame you for that! Haha! Anyway, the tooth fairy can be on that road too, right? She would really understand the situation if she had seen what happened. I'm quite curious, what surprise did the tooth fairy give Caleb back then? :D

    --Eddie Storms


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