Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our "Mountain Hike"

We found a beautiful park with hiking trails and a creek and a little fishing pond that is just down the road from us.  There are also some abandoned buildings and structures on the property as it used to be someones farm.  The city of Blacksburg bought the property and now you can walk all around it.  It's near the mountains so the views are pretty spectacular, in the humble opinion of this Texas girl.  The boys have named this area our "Mountain Hike".  These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago when my Mom was still here visiting.  We went there today and took the trails that lead to the buildings and the pond.  Unfotunately I did not take my camera this time so I will have to post another time with some pictures from that area.  It is really pretty.  You know it's a lot hotter in Texas but it is really, really humid here.  In the mornings and evenings it is so nice outside though.  Really nice and cool.  I can't wait to buy some deck chairs to sit on the back porch in.

There were beautiful flowers and butterflies of all different colors.

Does anybody know what this is?

Bridge over the creek.

We found some hay!

Yummy!  Hay!


  1. Your mystery plant is a milkweed that's formed green pods. Later these will split open and release lots of fluffy white plumed seeds that will float through the air.

  2. Your pictures really came out great! I loved the hike that day- it lifted my spirits.


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