Monday was Tough with a capital T! It was super muggy and I was sweating before we even started, did I mention how much I HATE to sweat? Well let me just tell you, I HATE sweating! I know it's good for your body and helps it to cool down and all but it is really just disgusting. Alright, enough about sweat.
We did our entire work out in the parking lot today. We started with a sprint up the line of a parking spot and then back-stepped back then high-kneed it back up. Then we did 15 rapid knee-lifts on each leg. Then we grabbed our hand weights and ran to the corner of the parking lot holding our weights above our head. I switched from 3lb to 5lb hand weights with the start of Summer boot camp. I can definitely tell the difference. On the side we did squat pivots to the next corner and then ran the long side holding our weights above our heads. Then on the other short side we did walking lunges with side twists. Then ran to the parking spot and started over again. We must have done this for 15 minutes or more. I got through two and one-half times. After we took a quick lap of the parking lot we went to the curb and did lunges with one foot on the curb and everytime we went down into the lunge we did a bicep curl. We did one arm at a time, changing legs with arms. Then we did them curling both arms. We did several more exercises using the curb. T-rays while doing step ups, overhead press while doing step ups, push-ups with hands on curb and knees on the matt and a bridge-up with arms out to side and alternating legs up. We did several ab exercises also. It was an intense workout for me and I was shakey afterward. Muscle fatigue, Iguess.
On Wednesday it was pouring down rain so I walked to the alarm clock, turned it off and got back into bed. I am not sure if everyone else went to boot camp in the rain that morning but I sure didn't. That evening I did a 15 minute wog and then did some walking lunges and squat pivots out on the basketball court. So I got a little bit of exercise in!
Friday was different then what we usually do on a Friday. Instead of intervals she divided us into 3 groups and then sent us out to start at 3 different stations. I started, with my group, at the gazebo which is positioned about 1/2 way along the track. We used the benches there to do the exercises. Step-ups with a overhead press, 15 on each leg. Then 15 knee-ups on each side. And then 15 on each side of knee-crunches. I don't know that these are the technical terms for these exercises. Sorry. However, we then rotated to the next station which was what she called "suicides" on the basketball court. You start at the long end sprint to the 1/4 line, touch it and then sprint back to the starting line. So on for the 1/2 then the 3/4 then the full. I was able to do it 3 times. Then we went to the track where we were supposed to sprint to cones she had set out along the way. Stopping at each cone to do 15 squats. I did one full circuit of this and then it was to our mats where we did some ab, glute and back work. We also did the pushup planks again. Where you do 10 pushups then hold a front plank for 20sec. Then 9 pushups and hold side plank for 20 sec. Then 8 pushups and hold a side plank on the other side for 20sec. 7 pushups and then hold a front plank for 20sec. And so on, all the way down to 1 pushup with a last plank for 20 sec. It was a good workout.
By the way, I weighed this past Sunday and I have dropped a pound! Yay! I guess doing Weight Watchers along with the boot camp is helping.
Reasonable Vs. Unreasonable Attorney Fees
6 hours ago
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