We are in Virginia!

We left Texas on Tuesday morning and we made it to Blacksburg on Wednesday evening. The kids did surprisingly well and honestly I think it helped that we were able to split Josh and Caleb up between the two cars. It also helped that we had a dvd player and made frequent stops for stretching, running and of course potty breaks. Oh, and for those who might come see us and take the same route we did, here is a little info you might want to know. Don’t stay at the Econo Lodge in Jackson, Tennessee. It was the nastiest place I have ever stayed in. It was right next to a Casey Jones Hotel, whose sign was a red caboose hoisted high in the air on a pole. Anyway the Econo Lodge was a 2 thumbs down from me. It stank. The carpet was damp and it looked like there was mold on the ceiling that had been painted over. The bathtub wasn’t cleaned out and it took forever to drain. It was just gross. Thankfully it was just for the one night. We did stay at some nicer hotels on our trip. Here are a couple of pics of the kids enjoying the pool at the Holiday Inn right here in Blacksburg.

We went and picked up our house key from the leasing agent that Thursday morning and headed to the house so my Mom, Nana and Doc could see it. We went and bought some things like a mop and broom, just a few things that I didn’t bring with me from Texas. The water came on that day but we had no electricity until Friday which was when the movers came with all our stuff. They got here around 3pm and finished unloading everything around 7pm, I think. I felt so sorry for them because they had to push everything up that steep driveway.

They had a hard time getting the piano in the front door but it’s now sitting in it’s place in the living room, where it will stay until we leave this house. We still have boxes to unpack but so far there has only been one item found broken, a wine glass. I have most of the kitchen done but not really anything on the walls yet. I put some pictures on the fridge and have more somewhere that I haven’t found yet. Thanks to Mom, Doc and Nana for helping. You guys are awesome!

Josh had a bit of a melt down yesterday. He mostly just kept saying that he missed his old house. We all talked about it and reminded him that home “is where we are” and that we are making a home here in Virginia. I told him once all our stuff was out that it would feel more like home. We talked about all the things that this house has that the old house doesn’t. Such as, a gigantic basement that holds all their toys and more, a basketball goal, a big deck and his own room. He seemed to cheer up after that plus we distracted him with the offer of a water gun war on the back deck.
This is Caleb's "bad guy" face.
Simon stayed out of the fight. He decided trying to pour sand out of the sandbox would be more fun.
We are here, we are adjusting and God is good. All the time!
We don't have internet at our house yet so I am writing this from the Starbucks that is down the street. Free WiFi here! Woohoo! I will try to set up a couple of posts before I leave so that they will automatically post over the next few days. I have missed writing in my blog and reading all the blogs that I enjoy.