This Saturday Melanie (my sister) and Madison (neice) came over to play. Melanie and I decided to dress all the kids up and find a patch of bluebonnets to photograph them in. We found a spot pretty close to home and here are some of the results. Thankfully I was the one to step in the enormous ant pile! I didn't get any bites though. Why is it so hard to get kids to all look at the camera at the same time?
I am a stay at home Mom raising 3 boys with my husband of 12 years. My oldest son is 6, the middle is 6 and the baby is 3. They keep me busy and I love it! We moved from Texas to Virginia in July of 2010, where my hubby has taken a job as an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech. I love reading, scrapbooking, crafting, cake decorating, baking, playing with my kids, listening to music and learning about my Lord and Savior. I welcome any comments as long, as they are respectful.
I read a total of 76 books in 2010 and my goal for 2011 will be 85.
11/25/11UPDATE--I didn't put into consideration that last year I added books of the bible to my list and this year I am not...I didn't keep last year's list but I am pretty sure that at least half of the 76 were just books as opposed to the Bible. So I think a new goal of mine will be to have read 50 books. I only have a month left...